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Friday, July 15


Ohgoshh. my bloggie died. :/ 2 months didnt even touch my blog. BUSSSYY. For?
- Mid Year Examm.
- Paramount Championship.
- Singing contest and dancee.
urghh, my life. :/ sorry guyss, didnt upload those photos. :/ and sorry for long time never updated my blog. :/ REALLY SORRRAYY!
countdown 10 dayss, CT3 is coming. :/ i'm gonna be a nerd again from now :/ whats the time now? 10.24pm i'm still blogging and studying. :/ and waiting for someone suree.  ♥ 

*yawnn. hmm, i think i gonna stop blogging and brain storm about the stupid projectss. ciaoz! 
i will upload those photosss when i'm freee! wait yo!

*Paramount Championshipp - solo singing got bronzee. :P
                                                  - get nothing for english duet singing. :/