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Monday, May 30

fever ruin my dayy ; the diaryy

hello. its me again. :)

urgh i get fever. 38c, but decrease to 37 noww. :P
wth, i cant eat anything noww. :( a guy who very cares me he was forcing me to sleep earlyy and ask me to drink more water - Kai Siangg!

yeaa, thanks a lot. ehhe. (:

Chee yeee, i bet you long time didnt visit my blog right?
hmpmm, now a days you busy-ing and very pressure about the bball match. :/
good luck to you and your team members! :)
and sorry, i cant cheer for you as last time. cause i dont know where is it. :p
and err, i try to letting you go and give you more "freedom" . dont blame me yeaa.
i really dont wanna give you more stresss. so yeaa, good luck anywayss.

Joeyy.  ♥

Sunday, May 29

please dont leave. ♥ :(

a closest friend in twitter but we did not talk much in real life.
You gonna leave me. changing school. :(
i really hope that You wont leave and always be here for us.

i will never ever forget You.
pleasee, dont leave. please. D:
You're important to me. you cheered me up when i'm moody.
or i'm alone or feel lonely You're always here.

we met this year and we know each other this year.
hahaa, last few months i just realize You love a girl, but the girl keep ignoring You :/
sad case :/ nahh, i'm always here to cheer You up :)
so pleaseee! i hope You'll fail the exam and the interview :P
sorry, i know i'm bad. :P
but serious.

hmm, we should hang out! and keep in touchh!
ahhaa, i really dont know why You dont let me mention your name here.
but still, YOU'RE A GOOD GUYY!
You spend a lots of time to cheer me up when i sad or get hurt :/
even i didnt tell You i'm sad or i act like not sad at all but dont know why You still know "my mood" :/

once again, please dont leave. and we will always here when you need.

enjoy your life. ♥

heyy there. whats the date? MID YEAR BREAK!
yeaa, holidays. - hang out with friendss. - go anywhere you want. blahblahblahh.
but after 2 weeks, we gonna be a NERD, again.
we need to face the problem - MID YEAR RESULTS.
urghh. i should enjoy my life now. (:
i dont wanna face those problems - kena scold my my parents. - ask me to study again. blahh.

okayy, i'm enjoying my life now. ♥  i dont wanna be a nerd seriously. :/

my hearttt.

heyy theree. wanna ask you guys a few questionss.
if a guy you really love him but he hurt you, what will you do?
can you endure it? or just give up?
if you heart broke and tears drop but you still love him, what will you do?


Saturday, May 28

happy birthday, me.

OMGOSH. iloveyouguysss! ♥ thanks for the wishes, thanks for the cards, thanks for the CAKE! :D
really shock and surpricee! after school, chee yeee and yuxxin suddenly dissapearr; they went to cafeteria to take the cake and candle. then Gigi "jaga saya" , sont let me go home. :P

actually i alr guess you guys will giveing me the surpricee! :P you guys so weird :P even talking or planning somwthing, dont let me know or see. :( urghh.

but really thankyouuuu! ♥ 

Wednesday, May 25

lucky ; unlucky.

third day of exam today. so when is my birthday? yeaa, its tomorrow. :D should i say lucky or unlucky? tomorrow is the last day of exam, of course is happy! :D but i still need to study and study for the last day of exam and i'm not sure throwing the party or not :/ late celebrate :( wish come true?

and this was the second day i quarreled with my mum. we didnt even talk or say hi to eash other for 3 days. yeaa, today was the third day. we didnt talk. mum, if i did something wrong, sorry. but why you dont let me touch the wifi even facebook and twitter. i know this is for my own good but.. i cant control myself for DONT ONLINE. :P ahhaa, sorry anywayyss. 

Saturday, May 21

the midnightt. :/

heyy theree. whats the time now? its 12.37am in the midnight. well, i'm still blogging and studying. :/ such a rajin student :p i slept 11 hours yesterday so now its so hard to fall asleep. :/ my mum are sleeping now also and i'm alone and blogging. I'M BORED.

MUM ; you better sleep now.
ME     ; later. study first.
MUM ; dont care. go sleep. continue tmr.

see, she's forcing me to sleep. :/ when i'm lazy to study, she asked me to study.
i want to study now, she asked me to sleep. AHAHA. nice mom. :)

soo i need to sleep now - force by my mum. thanks. hope i can have a sweet dream tonight. ♥

Steppin in.

Hey people. Yo! Natalie is steppin the house! :)

You'll be wondering why am i using Joey's blog to post this post. I helped her to design her blog. So yeah. Hmhm, how was her blog? How can i make it more interesting? I'm running out of ideas.

I'm brain storming right now. Don't worry, everything will turn out nice! I promise yo. <3

Let me tell you a little bit of myself, i'm Natalie, and i'm fifteen. One of Joeyy's best friend? It is? :)
That's all i think.

If your free, take a look at my blog too! :)

Ta-ta! :)

Friday, May 20


heyy theree. new blog, again. :P hope you guys can follow mee ♥ i had 4 blog last time but i deleted it. stupid right? yeaa right, too bored.
soo noww, i'm preparing for the MID YEAR EXAMS. and i'm going CRAZAAYY! :(
i was sooo lazy to get my ass up and study or do revision :( urghh. my lifee.

♥, Joeyy.